Sudoku Solver

Author: Emily Sanderson

Last modified on August 20th, 2020.

Below is the code to solve a sudoku puzzle. One simply enters in the field below and run every function, with the result appearing at the end. Hope you enjoy, email me at if you have any questions!

In [53]:
def instantiateCases () :
    # Correctly Formulated Sudoku
    global h
    h =[[0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,3,0],
        [6,0,5, 0,0,0, 0,0,0],
        [0,3,0, 0,1,0, 9,0,0],
        [5,7,0, 6,0,0, 0,0,0],
        [0,9,0, 0,0,0, 0,1,0],
        [0,0,0, 0,0,8, 0,2,4],
        [0,0,1, 0,7,0, 0,4,0],
        [0,0,0, 0,0,0, 5,0,8],
        [0,2,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0]]   
instantiateCases () 

solved(s) returns True if the puzzle is solved and False if it is not solved.

In [54]:
def solved(s) :
    for row in s:
        if 0 in row:
            return False
    return True

horizontalCheck(x,val,s) which, given a row number x, a value to check val, and a sudoku puzzle s, returns False if the given value has already been used in the indicated row, and True if the number is still available.

In [55]:
def horizontalCheck(x, val, s) :
    if val in s[x]:
        return False
        return True

verticalCheck(y,val,s) which, given a column number y, a value to check val, and a sudoku puzzle s, returns False if the given value has already been used in the indicated column, and True if the number is still available.

In [56]:
def verticalCheck(y, val, s) :
    for row in s:
        if row[y] == val:
            return False  
    return True

The function whichSquare(pos) that given a position value (0-8), returns which square that box is located in, and return the range of said box. The function does not distinguish between row and column, as it can be applied either way.

The function subSquareCheck(x,y,val,s) that, given the x and y position of the cell we are checking ('x' and 'y' respectively), a value to check val, and a sudoku puzzle s, returns False if the given value has already been used in the indicated sub-square, and True if the number is still available.

In [57]:
def whichSquare(pos):
    a = (0,1,2)
    b = (3,4,5)
    c = (6,7,8)
    if pos in a:
        return a
    elif pos in b:
        return b
        return c

def subSquareCheck(x,y,val,s) :
    for i in whichSquare(x):
        for j in whichSquare(y):
            if s[j][i] == val:
                return False
    return True
In [58]:
class SudokuInvalid(Exception):
class SudokuUnsolvable(Exception):

The function applyStrategy(strategy, s) which, given a strategy (in this case, a function with the input/output properties described earlier), and a puzzle s, applies that strategy to each cell in the puzzle. Have the function return True if the strategy worked, and False if it didnt

In [59]:
from itertools import combinations 
import copy
import random

def applyStrategy(strategy, s, sbar) :
    counter = 0
    sbarChange = copy.deepcopy(sbar)
        #For elimination and Hidden singles strategies
        for row in range(9):
            for col in range(9):
                if (s[row][col] == 0):
                    #For eliminiation and hidden Singles
                    if strategy(col, row, s) > 0:
                        s[row][col] = strategy(col, row, s)
                        counter +=1
        #For all other strategies
        for row in range(9):
            for col in range(9):
                if sbarChange[row][col] != sbar[row][col]:
                    counter +=1
    if counter == 0:
        return False
        return True

An algorithm that will attempt to solve a puzzle, given the puzzle and a list of strategy functions.

In [60]:
def possibilities(s):
    global sbar
    sbar = [x[:] for x in s]
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            sbar[row][col] = [sbar[row][col]]
            if (sbar[row][col] == [0]):
                sbar[row][col] = []
                for val in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9):
                    if (subSquareCheck(col,row,val,s) and verticalCheck(col, val, s) and horizontalCheck(row, val, s)):

def sudokuSolver (s, strategies) :
    while not solved(s):
        changed = []
        for strategy in strategies:
            changed.append(applyStrategy(strategy, s, sbar))
        if (True not in changed) :
    #Last ditch attempt to see if solved puzzle lies in sbar
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if len(sbar[row][col])!=1:
                #Does not lie in sbar 
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]
    if not solved(s):
        #Gosh diddly darnit we gotta pull out the big guns
        brutus = bruteForce(s,sbar,strategies)
        if not solved(brutus):
            #Big guns couldnt do it... so sad
            raise SudokuUnsolvable
            #Hoorah! no need for strategies, the big guns have dunnit
            return brutus
        return s
def updateSbar(row,col,val,s):
    #Set Sbar to value found
    sbar[row][col] = [val]
    #Remove value from its row and column
    for i in range(9):
        if (i != col and (val in sbar[row][i])):
        if (i != row and (val in sbar[i][col])):
    #Remove value from its block
    for i in whichSquare(row):
        for j in whichSquare(col):
            if (sbar[i][j] != [val] and (val in sbar[i][j])):
    return val

A youtube video which outlines nine sudoku strategies coded below:`possibilities(s)`

In [61]:
def elimination (col, row, s) :
    counter = 0
    ans = 0
    for val in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9):
        if (subSquareCheck(col,row,val,s) and verticalCheck(col, val, s) and horizontalCheck(row, val, s)):
            counter += 1
            ans = val
    if (counter == 0):
        raise SudokuInvalid
    elif (counter == 1):
        return updateSbar(row,col,ans,s)
        return 0
def hiddenSingles(col, row, s) :
    for val in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9):
        if (subSquareCheck(col,row,val,s) and verticalCheck(col, val, s) and horizontalCheck(row, val, s)):
            #Single in row case
            checkrow = 0
            for i in range(9):
                if verticalCheck(i, val, s):
                    checkrow +=1
            if checkrow == 1:
                return updateSbar(row,col,val,s)
            #Single in column case
            checkcol = 0
            for j in range(9):
                if horizontalCheck(row, val, s):
                    checkcol +=1
            if checkcol == 1:
                return updateSbar(row,col,val,s)
            #Single in block case
            checkblock = 0
            for i in whichSquare(col):
                for j in whichSquare(row):
                    if (verticalCheck(i, val, s) and horizontalCheck(j, val, s) and s[j][i] == 0):
                        checkblock +=1
            if checkblock == 1:
                return updateSbar(row,col,val,s)
    return 0

def nakedPair(s):
    #two cells in a row a column or a block               
    #having only the same pair of candidates
    #are called a naked pair all other
    #appearances of the two candidates in the
    #same row column or block can be
    for row in sbar:
        a = []
        for col in row:
            if (row.count(col) == 2 and len(col)==2 and (col not in a)):
        for col in row:
            if len(a) > 0 :
                for pair in a:
                    if (col != pair):
                        if pair[0] in col:
                        if pair[1] in col:

#     #Pair in column
    for col in range(9):
        c = []
        d = []
        for row in sbar:
            #Find a pair & add to list c
        for i in c:
            if (c.count(i)==2 and len(i)==2 and (i not in d)):
        for row in sbar:
            if len(d) >0:
                for pair in d:
                    if (row[col] != pair):
                        if pair[0] in row[col]:
                        if pair[1] in row[col]:
    #Pair in block
    for i in (1,4,7):
        for j in (1,4,7):
            e = []
            t = []
            #In each block, check all positions
            for v in (-1,0,1):
                for h in (-1,0,1):
            for k in e:
                if (e.count(k)==2 and len(k)==2 and (k not in t)):
            for v in (-1,0,1):
                for h in (-1,0,1):
                    if (len(t)>0):
                        for pair in t:
                            if (sbar[i+v][j+h] != pair):
                                if pair[0] in sbar[i+v][j+h]:
                                if pair[1] in sbar[i+v][j+h]:
    #Change s as we go
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if (len(sbar[row][col])==1):
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]


def pointingPair(s):
    #when a certain candidate appears only in
    #two or three cells in a block and the
    #cells are aligned in a column or a row
    #they are called a pointing pair or
    #triples all other appearances of the
    #candidate outside the block in the same
    #column or row can be eliminated
    for val in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9):
        for i in (1,4,7):
            for j in (1,4,7):
                #Find where we can put val in block
                drows = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
                dcols = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
                for v in (-1,0,1):
                    for h in (-1,0,1):
                        if (val in sbar[i+v][j+h])  and len(sbar[i+v][j+h])>1:
                        #To catch unupdated sbars
                        elif (val in sbar[i+v][j+h]) and len(sbar[i+v][j+h])==1:
                            drows = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
                yeet = [0,0,0]
                yote = [0,0,0]
                rowSingle = False
                colSingle = False
                for k in range(3):
                    if drows[k].count(1) > 1:
                        yeet[k] = 1
                    elif drows[k].count(1) == 1:
                        rowSingle = True
                    if dcols[k].count(1) > 1:
                        yote[k] = 1
                    elif dcols[k].count(1) == 1:
                        colSingle = True
                #remove from row if cond are met
                if (yeet.count(1) == 1 and not rowSingle):
                    specialrow = yeet.index(1) - 1
                    for rep in range(9):
                        if horizontalCheck(i+specialrow, val, s):
                            if ((rep!=j-1) and (rep!=j) and (rep!=j+1) and len(sbar[i+specialrow][rep]) != 1 and (val in sbar[i+specialrow][rep])):
                            #update sbars
                            if ((val in sbar[i+specialrow][rep]) and len(sbar[i+specialrow][rep]) != 1):
    #Change s as we go
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if (len(sbar[row][col])==1):
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]

def claimingPair(s):
    #when a certain candidate appears in only
    #two or three cells in a row or a column
    #and the cells are also in a block they
    #are called a claiming pair or triple all
    #other appearances of the candidate in
    #the same block the family can be
    for val in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9):
        for row in range(9):
            counter = []
            for col in sbar[row]:
                if val in col:
            if (counter.count(1) == 2 and counter[0:3].count(1) == 2) or (counter.count(1) == 3 and counter[0:3].count(1) == 3):
                for i in whichSquare(row):
                    for j in (0,1,2):
                        if i != row and len(sbar[i][j]) > 1 and ((val in sbar[i][j])):
            if (counter.count(1) == 2 and counter[3:6].count(1) == 2) or (counter.count(1) == 3 and counter[3:6].count(1) == 3):
                for i in whichSquare(row):
                    for j in (3,4,5):
                        if i != row and len(sbar[i][j]) > 1 and ((val in sbar[i][j])):
            if (counter.count(1) == 2 and counter[6:9].count(1) == 2) or (counter.count(1) == 3 and counter[6:9].count(1) == 3):
                for i in whichSquare(row):
                    for j in (6,7,8):
                        if i != row and len(sbar[i][j]) > 1 and ((val in sbar[i][j])):
        for col in range(9):
            counter = []
            for row in range(9):
                if val in sbar[row][col]:
            if (counter.count(1) == 2 and counter[0:3].count(1) == 2) or (counter.count(1) == 3 and counter[0:3].count(1) == 3):
                for j in whichSquare(col):
                    for i in (0,1,2):
                        if j != col and len(sbar[i][j]) > 1 and ((val in sbar[i][j])):
            if (counter.count(1) == 2 and counter[3:6].count(1) == 2) or (counter.count(1) == 3 and counter[3:6].count(1) == 3):
                for j in whichSquare(col):
                    for i in (3,4,5):
                        if j != col and len(sbar[i][j]) > 1 and ((val in sbar[i][j])):
            if (counter.count(1) == 2 and counter[6:9].count(1) == 2) or (counter.count(1) == 3 and counter[6:9].count(1) == 3):
                for j in whichSquare(col):
                    for i in (6,7,8):
                        if j != col and len(sbar[i][j]) > 1 and ((val in sbar[i][j])):
    #Change s as we go
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if (len(sbar[row][col])==1):
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]


def nakedTriple(s):
    #three cells in a row, a column, or a block
    #having only the same three candidates or
    #their subsets are called naked triple
    #all other appearances of the same
    #candidates can be eliminated if they are
    #in the same row column or block
    for row in range(9):
        #remove cases in row that are already solved
        combvals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
        for i in s[row]:
            if i != 0:
        combos = combinations(combvals, 3)
        for comb in combos:
            counter = 0
            for col in range(9):
                if set(sbar[row][col]).issubset(set(comb)):
                    counter += 1
            if counter == 3:
                for k in sbar[row]:
                    for q in comb:
                        if ((q in k) and not set(k).issubset(set(comb))):
    for col in range(9):

        combvals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
        for i in [item[col] for item in s]:
            if i != 0:
        combos = combinations(combvals, 3)
        for comb in combos:
            counter = 0
            for row in range(9):
                if set(sbar[row][col]).issubset(set(comb)):
                    counter += 1
            if counter == 3:
                for k in sbar:
                    for q in comb:
                        if ((q in k[col]) and not set(k[col]).issubset(set(comb))):
    for i in (1,4,7):
        for j in (1,4,7):
            combvals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
            for v in (-1,0,1):
                for h in (-1,0,1):
                    if s[i+v][j+h] != 0:
            combos = combinations(combvals, 3)
            for comb in combos:
                counter = 0 
                for v in (-1,0,1):
                    for h in (-1,0,1):
                        if set(sbar[i+v][j+h]).issubset(set(comb)):
                            counter += 1
                if counter == 3:
                    for v in (-1,0,1):
                        for h in (-1,0,1):
                            for q in comb:
                                if ((q in sbar[i+v][j+h]) and not set(sbar[i+v][j+h]).issubset(set(comb))):
    #Change s as we go
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if (len(sbar[row][col])==1):
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]



def nakedQuad(s):
    #four cells in a row a column or a block
    #having only the same four candidates or
    #their subset are called a naked quad all
    #other appearances of the same candidates
    #can be eliminated if they are in the
    #same row column or block
    for row in range(9):
        #remove cases in row that are already solved
        combvals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
        for i in s[row]:
            if i != 0:
        combos = combinations(combvals, 4)
        for comb in combos:
            counter = 0
            for col in range(9):
                if set(sbar[row][col]).issubset(set(comb)):
                    counter += 1
            if counter == 4:
                for k in sbar[row]:
                    for q in comb:
                        if ((q in k) and not set(k).issubset(set(comb))):
    for col in range(9):
        combvals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
        for i in [item[col] for item in s]:
            if i != 0:
        combos = combinations(combvals, 4)
        for comb in combos:
            counter = 0
            for row in range(9):
                if set(sbar[row][col]).issubset(set(comb)):
                    counter += 1
            if counter == 4:
                for k in sbar:
                    for q in comb:
                        if ((q in k[col]) and not set(k[col]).issubset(set(comb))):
    for i in (1,4,7):
        for j in (1,4,7):
            combvals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
            for v in (-1,0,1):
                for h in (-1,0,1):
                    if s[i+v][j+h] != 0:
            combos = combinations(combvals, 4)
            for comb in combos:
                counter = 0 
                for v in (-1,0,1):
                    for h in (-1,0,1):
                        if set(sbar[i+v][j+h]).issubset(set(comb)):
                            counter += 1
                if counter == 4:
                    for v in (-1,0,1):
                        for h in (-1,0,1):
                            for q in comb:
                                if ((q in sbar[i+v][j+h]) and not set(sbar[i+v][j+h]).issubset(set(comb))):
    #Change s as we go
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if (len(sbar[row][col])==1):
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]


def hiddenPair(s):
    #when a pair of candidates appears in
    #only two cells in a row a column or a
    #block but they are the only candidates
    #in the cells they are called the hidden
    #pair all candidates other than the pair
    #in the cells can be eliminated yielding a naked pair
    for row in sbar:
        d = {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0}
        pair = []
        for col in row:
            for poss in col:
                d[poss] +=1
        for i in d:
            if d[i] == 2:
        if len(pair) > 1:
            comb = combinations(pair, 2)
            for combo in comb:
                counter = 0
                for col in row:
                    if set(combo).issubset(col):
                        counter += 1
                if (counter == 2):
                    #yay! Hidden pair
                    for col in row:
                        if set(combo).issubset(col):
                            #change sbar to just the pair
                            col = list(combo)
    for col in range(9):
        d = {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0}
        pair = []
        for row in range(9):
            for poss in sbar[row][col]:
                d[poss] +=1
        for i in d:
            if d[i] == 2:
        if len(pair) > 1:
            comb = combinations(pair, 2)
            for combo in comb:
                counter = 0
                for row in range(9):
                    if set(combo).issubset(sbar[row][col]):
                        counter += 1
                if (counter == 2):
                    #yay! Hidden pair
                    for row in range(9):
                        if set(combo).issubset(sbar[row][col]):
                            #change sbar to just the pair
                            sbar[row][col] = list(combo)
      #Pair in block
    for i in (1,4,7):
        for j in (1,4,7):
            e = []
            pair = []
            d = {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0}
            #In each block, check all positions
            for v in (-1,0,1):
                for h in (-1,0,1):
                    for poss in sbar[i+v][j+h]:
                        d[poss] +=1
            for egg in d:
                if d[egg] == 2:
            if len(pair) > 1:
                comb = combinations(pair, 2)

                for combo in comb:
                    counter = 0
                    for v in (-1,0,1):
                        for h in (-1,0,1):
                            if set(combo).issubset(sbar[i+v][j+h]):
                                counter += 1
                    if (counter == 2):
                            #yay! Hidden pair
                        for v in (-1,0,1):
                            for h in (-1,0,1):
                                if set(combo).issubset(sbar[i+v][j+h]):
                                    #change sbar to just the pair
                                    sbar[i+v][j+h] = list(combo)
    #Change s as we go
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if (len(sbar[row][col])==1):
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]


def Xwing(s):
    #when a candidate appears in four cells
    #that form the corners of a rectangle or
    #a square and it appears only in the two
    #cells in both rows all other appearances
    #of the candidate in the two columns a
    #family can be eliminated it also works
    #if rows and columns are switched around
    for val in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9):
        #FOR ROWS
        counter = []
        for row in range(9):
            for col in range(9):
                if val in sbar[row][col]:
        edges = []
        for row in range(9):
            if counter[row].count(1) == 2:
                edges.append([row, counter[row]])
        colLoc = []
        numXwingperVal = 0
        if len(edges) > 1:
            comb = combinations(edges, 2)
            for i in comb:
                if i[0][1] == i[1][1]:
                    #print("XWING",val,i, sbar)
                    for colEdge in range(9):
                        if i[0][1][colEdge] == 1:
                    numXwingperVal += 1
        #[[[1, 4, 4], [1, 4, 5]], [[5, 7, 0], [5, 7, 2]]]
        for amt in colLoc:
            for row in range(9):
                for col in amt:
                    #specify rows to not delete
                    if (row != col[0] and row != col[1]):
                        if val in sbar[row][col[2]]:
        #FOR COLUMNS
        counter = []
        for col in range(9):
            for row in range(9):
                if val in sbar[row][col]:
        edges = []
        for col in range(9):
            if counter[col].count(1) == 2:
                edges.append([col, counter[col]])
        rowLoc = []
        numXwingperVal = 0
        if len(edges) > 1:
            comb = combinations(edges, 2)
            for i in comb:
                if i[0][1] == i[1][1]:
                    #print("XWING",val,i, sbar)
                    for rowEdge in range(9):
                        if i[0][1][rowEdge] == 1:
                    numXwingperVal += 1
        #[[[1, 4, 4], [1, 4, 5]], [[5, 7, 0], [5, 7, 2]]]
        for amt in rowLoc:
            for col in range(9):
                for row in amt:
                    #specify rows to not delete
                    if (col != row[0] and col != row[1]):
                        if val in sbar[row[2]][col]:

    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            if (len(sbar[row][col])==1):
                s[row][col] = sbar[row][col][0]

def bruteForce(s,sbar,strategies):
    #When all else fails
    sTry = copy.deepcopy(s)
    for i in range(5):
        a = random.choice(range(9))
        b = random.choice(range(9))
        sTry[a][b] = random.choice(sbar[a][b])
            return sudokuSolver(sTry, strategies)
        except SudokuInvalid:
            return bruteForce(s,sbar)
        except SudokuUnsolvable:
            return bruteForce(sTry,sbar)
            return bruteForce(s,sbar) 

Below the code will attempt to solve the puzzle outlined at the start.

In [65]:
def printSudoku(puzzle):
    for i in range(9):
        if i in (3,6):
        print(puzzle[i][0], " ", puzzle[i][1], " ",puzzle[i][2], "  || ",puzzle[i][3], " ",puzzle[i][4], " ",puzzle[i][5], "  || ",puzzle[i][6], " ",puzzle[i][7], " ",puzzle[i][8])

instantiateCases ()
    solution = sudokuSolver(h, [elimination, hiddenSingles, nakedPair, pointingPair, claimingPair, nakedTriple , Xwing, nakedQuad, hiddenPair]) # <== add your strategies to the list here
    print("The puzzle was solvable! Congrats! See solution below:")
except SudokuUnsolvable:
    print("Sudoku Puzzle Unsolvable, here is as much as could be done:", h)
The puzzle was solvable! Congrats! See solution below:
4   8   9   ||  5   6   7   ||  1   3   2
6   1   5   ||  2   3   9   ||  4   8   7
7   3   2   ||  8   1   4   ||  9   5   6
5   7   4   ||  6   2   1   ||  8   9   3
2   9   8   ||  7   4   3   ||  6   1   5
1   6   3   ||  9   5   8   ||  7   2   4
8   5   1   ||  3   7   6   ||  2   4   9
3   4   7   ||  1   9   2   ||  5   6   8
9   2   6   ||  4   8   5   ||  3   7   1